Shreekant Shiralkar
3 min readOct 15, 2020

Before first book was published, becoming an author was something that was only in dreams, so the day I received authors copy of my first book, I was simply ecstatic. I recollect a euphoric state of mind akin to a child being attached to his most loved toy and living every moment with it.

It took some time, but reality overtook and was back to normal life, that’s why idea for the next book had a hesitant response “what’s going to be different, maybe a different aspect of a subject, maybe bigger publisher, maybe added color to the identity of being an author”? but nothing as significant as the first one !!

I recollect having spent long time to delve into identification of reason for the new book. Another book came into being, which helped discover newer horizon[s] by getting the best-seller position for many years to come, further it was to be a reference book and courseware at many universities across the globe.

On publisher’s pursuance, subsequent version[s] of the book with modified content, added few more books to the name. Now this path was traversed long enough, experiencing multiple facets, list of books published, Author’s tag stone-cast onto identity, and novelty had been replaced with routine.

It was very regular feature to be approached by a younger associate with excitement about having read the book or heard about it. During one such conversation, I got cue to explore newer horizon, to help others in realizing their dream to be an author.

I had a nearly failed attempt at first, a book conceived with a younger associate, later completed with another experienced co-author. I made another, veiled but successful attempt, through revision and update to content of my first book, with another younger associate.

I had given-up entertaining my notion of trying to help others. A very engaging and delightful conversation with one younger associate rekindled my desire and I ventured co-authoring with lot’s of skepticism on mind. Till this moment, I remain amazed and gratified, at most passionate involvement of this co-author, he helped me successfully explore and discover the new horizon, of helping others become author. He made it look effortless ,while he realized his own dream to be an author. This experience, taught me how one can be fortunate, while serving others, in making their dream come true!!

Due to success of multiple books, it was regular to receive calls from Author Acquisition team of publishers and be persuaded for new title, now since this horizon wasn’t new it lacked excitement, with one exception, i.e. to consolidate my ability to help others in becoming author.

I was mulling over the persuasion from APRESS (Apress is part of Springer Nature) and during otherwise, most uneventful conversation, over a cup-of-tea with Vinayak Gole, dawned the idea for our book and within few hours concept of the book was in shape. Before I could sense that a new course of the journey was being charted, we were in COVID-19 era, that blissfully compelled engagement with development of the book and facilitated my desire to help Vinayak live his dream, to be an accomplished Author.

Looking back at this journey, from first book till date, I find it surprising to have discovered, newer horizons with cherished experiences, each time a book was conceived and brought to life.

Shreekant Shiralkar

A seasoned management Professional. Have published best-selling books on technology, mentored authors. Specialize in Realizing concepts to value creation.